The picture posted by Hilaria Baldwin on Instagram caught the eye of everyone. She wrote a note to her husband, Alec Baldwin, about how his enemies are “seeking to destroy him.” The woman, 38, lauded her husband who is an actor in a long post about the “darkest part” of Hollywood. She talked about the efforts to “delegitimize” his “voice.” Her post featured a black-and-white photo of the pair.

“To enter your world and become your person has been both a joy and an eye opening experience,” the yoga enthusiast wrote. “How many wonderful moments, meeting incredible people, doing amazing experiences, and building a family. I am forever grateful. Every day.”

“The darker part is seeing behind the curtain at how some of this ‘business’ can function and the blows and sacrifices that someone in the public eye takes for speaking up for what they believe and for helping others,” she added. “Enemies of these missions seek to destroy you, in order to delegitimize your voice and purpose.”

“This is not a new tactic…it’s as old as history…yet, how easy it is now more than ever to slander people and cherry pick and piece together strands taken out of context, ‘opinions,’ or complete fabrications,” the wife of the “Saturday Night Live” star continued. “And how some people believe it or stay silent out of fear.”

“Alec, how many times we look at each other and say: deep breath, in this together, keep on for the good of what we believe. Somos un buen equipo,” she added. “How many times I’ve experienced people stopping you and thanking you for your philanthropy in the arts, your work with children, fighting for our environment, and yes, we all know: our politics. People see how hard you fight for what you believe is right. And we are grateful. Listen to these voices..turn down the volume on the darkness and negativity.”

Ms. Baldwin spoke passionately about the way she empathizes with her husband’s “endless humanity” and has personally “experienced dehumanization myself,” which she described as “an old tactic for picking on your enemy’s spouse.”

She said that such instances led her to reflect, “how much more can one body and one mind take before we crumple beneath the psychological torture?”

Baldwin concluded her message by reiterating to her husband how much she appreciates him because she knows that he is “carrying quite a load, using the privileged place of your public voice for good.”

In October of last year, the star was implicated in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the New Mexico set of his upcoming film “Rust” after she was “accidentally” shot by him. The gun Baldwin was holding discharged a bullet, as previously reported.

Hilaria and Alec have several kids: Carmen Gabriela, María Victoria, Romeo Alejandro David, Rafael Thomas, Leonardo Charles, and Eduardo “Edu” Pao Lucas.

It’s worth noting that Alec Baldwin also has a 26-year-old daughter named Ireland, known as Ireland Basinger Baldwin from a former marriage with Actress Kim Basinger.