Singer Macy Gray stirred a controversy saying the fact that people change their “parts” doesn’t make them women. The R&B and soul singer discussed issues on transgender identity and racial inequality with Piers Morgan during an interview.

Gray had predicted during her appearance on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” that she would probably face a backlash for expressing her opinion. Once previews of her comments hit Twitter, the woke crowd promptly proved her right.

“If I asked you what a woman is, what would you say?” Morgan stated. “I would say, ah, a human being with boobs,” Gray retorted, eliciting a small chuckle from Morgan. “Haha, you have to start there.” “I mean, the dictionary’s quite straightforward, it just says a human, adult female,” Morgan agreed.

“You know a lot of people — see that — now that’s a little … getting confusing, the whole he, she, they …” Gray continued.

“And I’m not sure why, really,” Morgan went on to bring up the debate over transgender women — who were still biologically male — participating in women’s sports. “I support all trans rights to fairness and equality, but not where you have people born to obvious physical superior bodies transitioning and then thrashing the women at their sport.”

“I totally agree,” Gray said. “And I will say this, and everybody’s going to hate me, but as a woman, just because you go change your parts doesn’t make you a woman. Sorry.” You feel that,” Morgan responded.

“I know that for a fact,” Gray continued. “Like if you want me to call you a her, I will, because that’s what you want. But that doesn’t make you a woman, just ’cause I call you a her and just ’cause you got a surgery.”

Critics were quick to attack Gray, calling her a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF). “My bestie tweeted ‘damn we lost Macy Gray’ and I thought she had died but it’s bc she’s a TERF,” @yumcoconutmilk tweeted.

Mitchell Plitnick added, “Sad to see #BetteMidler and #macygray joining the JK Rowling #TERF brigade. The fight for rights, anyone’s rights, can’t be won if we choose to deny the rights of some to elevate or compensate for the denial of rights of others.”

Singer Bette Midler also ended up on the wrong side of the mob when her tweet ostensibly in support of abortion rights strayed too far to the side of defining what a woman is.

She tweeted “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even our name! They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore; they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators,’ and even ‘people with vaginas’! Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!”